A downloadable game for Windows

This game was developed before the 2020 election, nothing in the game relates to current events nor the events after the 2020 election date.

This game is not meant to represent any political view despite the content in the game. It is purely for entertainment purpose and has no ulterior motive.

This game was inspired by the Obama boss battle meme as well as Undertale.
The game is based on the difficulty of the Sans boss battle because why would it be any other boss.

Windows Defender will complain that it can't verify the publisher of the software presumably because I used the ancient software that is GameMaker 8.1 so don't worry if you see that.

The game doesn't have controller support, only keyboard so WSAD, Space and Shift.

This game was made for Windows machines, for the tutorial press P on the title screen.

This isn't taught in game but holding shift will slow your speed so you can make precise movements.

I might continue the concepts in this short meme project as a full original game in the future.

The coding is pretty awful as I was still pretty new to programming at the time so if it lags a lot or something that's the reason.

You play as an unnamed republican, you are going to help Trump win by making sure nobody can vote for Biden! But unfortunately for you, former president Obama suspected you would show up to attack. Now you have to battle him if you want to secure Trump's second term.


obama_boss_battle.exe 5.2 MB

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